My husband and I take a lot of road trips and often times while traveling my husband will take an unexpected turn and deviate from the normal route. Even though I trust him, I question why is he taking this route instead of the normal route? My husband’s response is short, he doesn’t go into details about traffic ahead or a bridge out, etc., he just says trust me. Many of us trust God, but often times when He takes our life on an unexpected turn and deviates from the normal route it causes us to question Him, and like my husband He just says trust me. When you trust someone you don’t need an explanation.
God may be deviating you from the normal path you are used to, but trust God‘s navigation skills for your life; trust that He knows what He’s doing and that He will ultimately bring you to the expected end. Jeremiah 29:11 says I know the plans I have for you, plans of good and not of evil plans to bless you and to prosper you, plans to give you hope and a future and an expected end.
Navigation is defined as: the process of accurately ascertaining one’s position and planning and following a route. We have to trust that God is able to accurately know for certain where we are in life, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and that He has a plan and a route to navigate us through. Trust God’s navigation skills to navigate you through the hurt, the pain, the rejection, the loss, the abandonment, the isolation, the brokenness, the uncertainty, the confusion, the lack, the loneliness, the depression, the sickness, the divorce, the bankruptcy, the foreclosure, the layoff, the unemployment, the homelessness… Where ever you are in life trust the One who is navigating and ordering your steps. The Bible says the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
Your steps have been ordered, even when it feels like you had to take a step back. Sometimes God will pull us back so that He can thrust us further forward. Sometimes what feels like a demotion may actually be a promotion. We have to trust God’s route and His process to bring us to our expected end, but the problem is we want to tell God how to do it. Often times while on road trips I try and tell my husband which way to go and I get frustrated when he doesn’t go the way I suggested. And he looks over at me and says “do you want to drive”? Many of us do God like I do my husband, we try and tell God which way to go, how to bring us out and how to bless us. There can’t be two drivers. There is only one driver, and we have to stop trying to drive from the passenger seat and let the driver (God), drive. We must trust God’s navigation skills and trust Him as He navigates us through the tests, the trials and the process of life into His expected end for us.
Pastor Mel
MK Ministries
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