2 Corinthian’s 12:8-10, But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
How many of us can boast about our weaknesses? We can’t boast in our weaknesses because we are so busy trying to hide them and appear as if we have it all together. Maxwell has a song entitled “This Women’s Work” and one of the verses in the song says “I should be crying, but I just can’t let it show”.
Why, why can’t we let it show? Why can’t we show our tears? Women, why are we always trying to be strong? I know there are times that we have to be strong, but God doesn’t expect us to be strong ALL the time. He said His strength is made perfect in our weakness. If we are always strong, how will His strength be perfected in us? The world tells us that we have to be strong all the time; that we can never let them see us sweat, that we can’t show any signs of weakness. People will put expectations on us that they aren’t willing to live up to. But, God is not looking for people who have it all together. He knows we don’t and He doesn’t expect us to. God expects us to come to Him, to lean on Him, and to trust Him in those areas and times of weakness. His word says to cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us. It also says to come to Him all who are weary and carry heavy burdens and He will give us rest. There is a rest in Him for the weary and the heavy burdened. Stop trying to be strong all the time, stop trying to have it all together all the time and allow His strength to be made perfect in your weakness. Stop trying to be superwoman? Superwoman is a fictional character, but yet many of us are trying to be her; trying to be someone that doesn’t exists! Ladies, don’t kill yourself trying to live up to false or fictional expectations!
I know many of us had to step up to the plate and fill in roles and responsibilities we should not have had to, and it’s made us independent and hard, but don’t be so independent and hard that you don’t think you need God. Many of us give the impression to God that we got this and we don’t need Him. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, it doesn’t matter what titles come before or after your name, it doesn’t matter your socioeconomic status, or what you achieved in life, it doesn’t matter if you are CEO, CFO, Pastor, Prophet… we need God. The word lets us know that it’s not by might, nor by power but by His Spirit! We need His Spirit working in us and through us.
We are women in authority, but we are also women under authority. Women under authority know how to submit to the leading of Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, many of us have not been able to trust anyone and have been let down and disappointed in the past, and we have learned not to count on anyone and to do it ourselves, but God wants us to depend on Him, to lean on Him and to put our trust in Him so He can do it for us. The enemy will use past hurts, heartaches and disappointments to keep us from trusting in God, because we cannot go beyond our level of trust. Our limited trust in God limits how far He can bring us. We must put our total trust in God because God desires to bring us to places beyond our own strength, titles, positions and connections, but we have trust Him without borders.
God wants you to know that you don’t have to be strong all the time. He wants you to give Him your weaknesses so that His strength can be made perfect in it. He’s there to catch you when you fall or give you wings so you can soar. Many of us couldn’t take flight because we had too much baggage. He wants you to check your baggage in with Him, and give Him your weaknesses so that His power may rest upon you. It is His power that destroys the yokes, that sets the captives free, and that opens doors that no man can shut. Some things haven’t happened for us yet because we’ve been trying to do it in our power, but it’s not going to happen in our power, but in His power.
Pastor Mel
MK Ministries
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